What to Do After You Are Served With Divorce Papers

One of the most shocking things that can happen to you is being served with divorce papers. Even if you anticipated the end of your marriage, you might not be exactly sure how to proceed.

Are you trying to begin divorce proceedings or respond to divorce papers? These are the steps to take after you are served.

Pay Close Attention to Deadlines

The divorce documents will detail a deadline. You need to respond to the documents by this deadline, so it is important that you put it on your calendar and pay close attention to any other times you need to respond to the documents.

Do Not Contact Your Spouse

In the aftermath of receiving the documents, you may have the instinct to call your spouse. Try to resist this urge and instead avoid texting or calling, as this can actually escalate the situation and look bad for you in court.

Gather Your Financial Documents

Next, it is important that you begin compiling financial documents. These should include bank statements, lists of your debts, and lists of your assets. It is important that you are accurate and honest about your financial situation in court and with your attorney.

Gather Other Evidence

There are other documents you may need to present to your attorney before the divorce as well. For example, you should gather any evidence of abuse or documentation that shows that you are the main caretaker for your child. Your attorney may request specific pieces of evidence as well.

Develop a Plan for Co-Parenting

If you have children with your spouse, you need to begin working on a plan to provide for them. Who will the children stay with most of the time, and who will pay child support payments? Now is a time to sit down and think out a schedule.

Consult With a Family Law Practice Attorney

A family law attorney can help you take the necessary steps forward. It is also important that you contact an attorney immediately so that you can better understand the documents you have been served with. The documents can contain a lot of jargon you are not familiar with, and an attorney deciphers these words for you.

When you understand how to move forward, you can take your case to court. A family law attorney knows how to protect you, your assets, and your family on the way forward. Set up a consultation today to move forward.
