An individual who has been arrested will typically have the opportunity to get out of jail by posting bail. The amount of this bail can vary based on the crime the individual has been charged with.
A lot of arrested individuals rely on friends and family members to come up with the money for their bail. Working with a bail bond company allows you to free your loved one while only paying a portion of the total bail amount.
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People have this notion that a first time DUI (driving under the influence) charge is not that serious, but that is a misconception that can interfere with your defense. Here are some of the mistakes you may make if you assume a first-time DUI is a simple criminal charge:
Underestimating the Seriousness of the Charges
One of the most common mistakes first-time offenders make is to assume that their criminal charges are not serious because, well, it is the first-time they are facing the accusations.
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When you're thinking about ending your marriage and want to maintain your sanity and self, while handling legal business, there are some very deliberate decisions that you need to make. With this in mind, you will need to be deliberate about the actions that you take and the way that you proceed. In order to get the most out of your divorce process, use this guide to assist you and make sure to reach out to a lawyer in your area that can also assist you.
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Although no one wants to file for bankruptcy, it can sometimes be a good option if you have mounting debts to repay. Although there are many different bankruptcy codes, they all can be divided into two basic categories: liquidations and reorganizations. If you are an individual filing for bankruptcy, you will most likely be looking at chapter 7 bankruptcy—or liquidations; or, you'll be looking at chapter 13 bankruptcy, which is a reorganization.
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If you've been involved in an accident, you have the right to compensation for your injuries, especially if the accident was not your fault. If you're married, you'll probably want your spouse to share in the settlement. However, if you and your spouse are having marital problems, that could become a problem for you once your settlement arrives. The last thing you want is to have your spouse file for divorce, and take half your insurance settlement.
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