It's not as easy to duck out on child support obligations as it used to be. Child support enforcement agencies have several ways to get to a deadbeat parent and force them to make good on their responsibilities. If you have noticed your ex is not complying with the orders, you have the law on your side. To know how to handle things, read on.
Your Ex Has Money Troubles
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Seeking bankruptcy protection may be the only option available for effectively controlling your debts to get a fresh start. However, bankruptcy is a complicated legal process, and there are many details that individuals may not appreciate.
Chapter 13 Protection Can Help To Protect Your Assets
Some people believe that every bankruptcy proceeding will result in the petitioner losing all of their assets. However, Chapter 13 bankruptcy protection allows you to avoid the loss of your assets as your debts will be restructured so that you can make the payments more easily.
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Having a criminal record expunged from your records can have a powerful impact on your ability to get a mortgage for a home, find a job, or obtain a professional license. When you have committed a crime, you will have a criminal record that can be researched by the public.
Ways to Expunge Your Record
There are different ways that records can be expunged. You may be able to have the records destroyed entirely.
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A burn injury can have a life-altering effect on the victim. Therefore, compensation for losses not caused by the victim is essential. Although burn injuries are considered personal injury claims, there are special circumstances that apply to these cases.
Medical Diagnosis
Most burns are visible on the surface and may not require a medical degree to spot. However, your word is not enough to file a claim. You must visit a medical professional to obtain a diagnosis.
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Were you recently injured in a car accident, a workplace incident, an incident inside a local business, or in some other situation where it's obvious that the injury was not your fault? If so, it's possible you are entitled to financial compensation. If you were injured because of someone else's negligence or inability to be responsible, you have the right to pursue civil action. The first step, of course, is finding a local personal injury attorney.
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