Most workers know the basics of overtime law, like the fact that hourly workers should generally receive time-and-a-half pay for all hours over 40 worked in a single week. However, there are a lot of nuances and other aspects of overtime law that, sadly, many workers aren't aware of. As a result, hard-working people are essentially robbed of their deserved overtime pay on a daily basis.
Specifically, there are a few lesser-known facts about overtime regulations that the average employment lawyer would want all workers to be aware of.
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Online content and digital creation is a booming business with today's continual influx of technological advances. In addition, the methods to which consumers order products through the creation of new software have increasingly become simplified thanks to innovations. If you have an idea for a method that you would like to put into the mainstream, it is important that you protect it from those who wish to copy it or even steal it from you.
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If you've been hurt in a car wreck, a back injury can bring more than a fair share of misery and pain. Injuries to the back can affect the entire body, making the smallest of movements agony for those suffering from an impact. This type of injury may not heal quickly and could cause you to put your life on hold for a long period of time. Read on to learn more a common back condition and how to get the money damages you need for it.
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An individual who has been arrested will typically have the opportunity to get out of jail by posting bail. The amount of this bail can vary based on the crime the individual has been charged with.
A lot of arrested individuals rely on friends and family members to come up with the money for their bail. Working with a bail bond company allows you to free your loved one while only paying a portion of the total bail amount.
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People have this notion that a first time DUI (driving under the influence) charge is not that serious, but that is a misconception that can interfere with your defense. Here are some of the mistakes you may make if you assume a first-time DUI is a simple criminal charge:
Underestimating the Seriousness of the Charges
One of the most common mistakes first-time offenders make is to assume that their criminal charges are not serious because, well, it is the first-time they are facing the accusations.
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