Keep The Lines Open: How To Ensure Effective Communication With Your Divorce Lawyer

If you're going through a divorce, it's crucial that you develop a good line of communication with your attorney. Effective communication is the key to effective representation. Unfortunately, there are mistakes you can make during your divorce that will undermine your ability to communicate with your lawyer. Here are four tips to help you maintain effective communication with your divorce lawyer.  Control Your Own Narrative If you're going through a divorce, you need to make sure that you present the facts to your attorney. Read More 

What Are The Legal Implications Of Closing On A House?

Closing is a term that's widely used to describe the end of the process of officially transferring a property from one party to another at the end of a sale. It's important to understand the legal implications of this moment, and you should consider having a real estate law firm involved with the closing process. Let's examine what some of the major implications of closing are from a legal viewpoint. Read More 

Can You Be Fired For Not Working During COVID-19?

During COVID-19, many workers are understandably fearful about returning to work. Employers who are trying to reopen, on the other hand, may not be so understanding. But can you be fired? The answer is it depends. You Can Generally Be Fired for Refusing to Work Under normal circumstances, you can be fired for refusing to work for any reason. You may not like the current conditions of your job, but your employer generally has the right to define those conditions, and you can choose whether to work under them or not. Read More 

Fighting a Charge of Brandishing a Firearm in Public

A firearm doesn't have to go off for it to be used improperly. In some cases, gun owners find themselves on the wrong side of the law if they are simply brandishing a firearm. Because this type of charge often depends on eyewitness testimony, you should speak with a criminal defense attorney because you may be able to cast doubt on the assertion that you were brandishing a firearm. 1. Understand What Brandishing Means Read More 

Avoid These Child Custody Mistakes When Seeking A Divorce

Some couples decide that divorce is the best option instead of staying married in an unhappy partnership. When you have kids, divorce can be a bit more complex and you need to make special custody arrangements. It's important to make the right choices as you go through the divorce process so that you don't make child custody mistakes. Hiring a divorce custody lawyer can help you have more success. Here are some child custody mistakes that you will want to avoid when seeking divorce:  Read More